Thursday, July 25, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Because apparently it's a thing. I was a stylin' toddler.

Pincurls! Reveal.

They were still a bit damp this morning, which I didn't realize until I'd already taken the clips out, resulting in more limp curls than I had intended! Still. Here they are. I definitely need practice. Sorry for the lack of makeup in the first ones. I took my hair down before I did anything else this morning.
See how much it's fallen since this morning? At least it hasn't gone completely limp!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I'm sorry I didn't document this better, but I just put pin curls in with my new pin curl clips. They are life changing. They saved me so much time, and they don't snag my scarf! I'll show the results in the morning!

Pin Curl Clips

I bought pin curl clips yesterday (at a dollar store of all places)! I haven't tested them out yet, but plan to do so tonight when I shower. I'll post pictures when I do. Hopefully it will make the pin curl process easier, as I am still learning.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Connecting to Bloglovin

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Dress Form

This is my dress form, post feeding her with batting so she's more my size. It seems I'd had a few more Milky Way bars than she had. I promptly fixed that problem though (save for an inch in the thigh area. I have to go back to the store for reinforcements) and she is ready for dress making! I haven't named her yet, but rather feel that I should. I'd rather it came to me though, rather than trying to force it so early on.


Ok these are old, but I felt like adding them anyway. Two of them are the same day, the other one was from a different time I experimented with vintage styling.

Monday, July 22, 2013

More fabric fun!

On Saturday, I went on a field trip to Hancock Fabrics' Super Saturday Sale, and made great use of it by buying fabric for two skirts, fabric for a headwrap for belly dancing class, and materials for a couch I'm about to gut and re-do. The total was quite expensive (couch foam and batting cost a ton!) but I got everything for 50% off, so all in all, I was successful! The pictures are of the fabric for the skirts, the pattern I'm going to use (I'm modifying a dress pattern), and the inspiration. Unfortunately I'm not sure where I found the picture, so if anyone does know, I will be more than happy to credit it to its proper location!

WWII dress, continued

I started working on the dress, and mainly got the dress pieces cut out. I still need to cut out the sleeves and collar pieces, which I'll hopefully get to after work today.

My first 40s dress making experience.

I'm going to make a simple buttoned shirt dress out of this fabric. I'm taking the pockets out of the pattern. As handy as pockets are, they are unrealistic for the year window I'm working with (1941-1945). The war board urged women to cut back on hemlines and pockets, as well as dress length, so I too will follow those guidelines. I'm using the pattern as a guide more than a strict set of rules.
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